Thursday, January 16, 2014

Heal yourself with the help of Mudra by Anantbodh Chaitanya

Some Important mudra to heal your body given by Anantbodh Chaitanya.

After taking bath early in the morning, one should sit on an Asana (one can use a warm
Blanket also). If possible, one should sit in the Yogic postures: Padmasana or Sukhasana.
Inhale deeply & then exhale slowly 5-10 times. Let your mind feel peaceful & thereafter do the following Mudras using both hands. When necessary, one can do these mudra(s) at other times also.
Linga Mudra

Method: Clasp the fingers of both the hands tightly & then make the inner thumb erect as shown in diagram.
Benefits: Increase in warmth of the body, cough & congestion disappears.
Shunya Mudra
Method: Bend the longest middle finger so that its nail touches the soft part of the thumb. Rest of the 3 fingers should be kept straight.
Benefits: Pain in ear vanishes. If there is pus in the ears or one is not able to hear properly, then this mudra should be done for 4-5 minutes.
Prithvi Mudra
Method: Touch the smallest finger (Kanishthika) with the tip of the thumb. Rest of the 3 fingers should be kept straight.
Benefits: Weakness of the body disappears & one feels rejuvenated.
Surya Mudra
Method: Bend the finger next to the smallest finger (Anamika). Make the thumb touch the part of this finger above the nail.
Benefits: Excess fat of the body & laziness gets removed by doing this mudra.
Gyan Mudra

Method: Touch the index finger with the tip of the thumb. The remaining 3 fingers should remain straight.
Benefits: If one is suffering from mental problems like lack of sleep or excess of sleep, weak memory, anger etc., then this mudra is very helpful. This mudra enables one concentrate while doing meditation & prayers. One should practice this mudra for 30 minutes every day.
Varuna Mudra
Method: Bend the middle (longest) finger so that it touches the tip of the thumb.
Let the remaining 3 fingers be straight.
Benefits: The diseases happening due to the deficiency of Jal Tatva (water content) like blood disorders, skin diseases, anemia etc are cured.
Prana Mudra
Method: Let the tip of the 2 corner fingers & thumb touch each other. The remaining 2 fingers should be straight.
Benefits: This mudra is the center for the energy of the Prana. It helps in keeping the body healthy. This is very helpful for curing eye diseases & reducing the number of eye-glasses (improving the eye-sight).
Vayu Mudra
Method: Bend the index finger so that it touches the soft part of the thumb. The remaining 3 fingers should remain straight.
Benefits: It is beneficial for joint pain in hands & feet, paralysis, hysteria etc. It is very beneficial to do Prana Mudra along with this mudra.

The vital air (Pran Vayu) enters the lungs along with breath. In turn, lungs mix it with blood and send it to the heart. Action of combustion starts when glucose present in cells and vital air (oxygen) present in blood come into contact, which produces energy The Pran  have identified five types of air in the body - Pran, Apaan, Samaan, Udaan and Vyaan. They are spread in various parts of the body.
It is the Pran that energizes the body. Excess or deficiency of Pran creates imbalance. Pran mudra is used to strike the balance of Pran and keep the body energetic.
Method: The mudra, which is created by joining the tips of little finger (water element) and ring finger (earth element) with the thumb (fire element), is known as Pran mudra. It is a very powerful mudra Asana
Padmasana or Siddhasana makes the vital energy intense. By keeping the spine straight, the vital energy becomes active and vertically inclined.
Duration of 48 minutes is considered complete for systematizing the vital air. Since it may not be possible to practice this mudra for a complete duration at a stretch, it may be staggered into two or three phases. To start with, practice it for 16 minutes and gradually consummate it to the desired duration
The deficiency of vital energy can be removed and it is then gradually increased by Pran mudra. It strengthens bronchial tube.
Weakness of body, disturbance of mind and rigidness of feeling are removed.
Removes eye disorders and increases sight.
It makes a man dignified.
It makes a man Urdhvareta.
Person comes across subtle elements and starts merging with the Eternal Soul.
It develops concentration.
The Pran mudra energizes the whole of the body. It is helpful in regenerating the energy lost due to paralysis.
Prana is energy. It is power. It becomes virtuous with proper use of senses, mind and emotions. Otherwise it can lead senses towards attachment, mind to disturbance and emotions to perversion. As such efforts should continue towards balanced adjustment for the development of vital energy produced by Prana mudra, otherwise the increasing energy with body may channelize itself towards downfall instead of upward development.
Special notes
Prana mudra has simultaneous union of three elements: water, earth and fire. All these three elements come into contact and lead to chemical transformation in the body, which helps in balanced development of the personality. The Prana mudra is especially useful in meditational yoga e.g. fast. It helps in natural and easy consummation of meditation.
Angushtha mudra is also called Linga mudra (Phallus posture). Thumb is a symbol of masculinity. It helps in increasing dynamism in a person. It increases heat. Persons with bilious temperament should practice this mudra under the guidance of able and experienced person, otherwise the increasing bilious wrath may lead to increase in acidity in the body Moreover, due to excessive heat, all these ailments like pain, giddiness, dryness of throat and increased burning sensation in the body may further increase. This mudra can be used during winter season. It removes phlegmatic disorders. Chronic cold is easily cured. It burns unwanted calories in the body, thus reducing obesity
For making Angushtha mudra, fingers of both the hands are interlocked, and the left thumb is kept straight while the palms are pressed against each other; pressure is also exerted on back portion by fingers. Right thumb is to be placed at the base of left thumb and pressure is to be applied. For the first time left thumb is kept straight, and the second time pressure may be applied at the base of right thumb. Angushtha (Linga) mudra is accomplished through both the ways.
Padmasana and Ardha Padmasana are useful asanas for Linga mudra. Those not successful in these asanas may use this mudra in Sukhasana and Vajrasana.
The Angushtha mudra can be practiced early in the morning or on cool nights. It can be practiced for 48 minutes at a stretch or in three phases of 16 minutes each.
It pacifies cough.
It cures asthma and cold.
It cures sinus and paralysis.
Special note
As per acupressure therapy, practice of the mudra gives strength to the body. Pressure on rear portion of the palm removes disorders present in the body.
Persons with bilious temperament should not use this mudra for longer period. Persons with abdomen tumour are forbidden to practice this mudra.
Surabhi mudra is also called Dhenu mudra. As per Indian system, Dhenu means cow. It symbolizes virtue (Satvikata) and excellence. The other meaning of Surabhi, as per dictionary, is Kamadhenu (the special cow) which gives desired boons. Similarly, with Surabhi mudra a person acquires the desired power. While making Surabhi mudra, fingers take the shape of udders of a cow. Milk is obtained from the udders of cow, which gives strength to the body. Similarly, the Surabhi mudra makes the body balanced and strong.
According to Ayurveda, by maintaining balance between wind (vata), bile (pitta) and phlegm (kuff), body remains healthy. Imbalance is the source of diseases. Surabhi mudra balances the wind, bile and phlegm. It makes the body healthy. The body of man is physical, it is atomic. Proper combination of atomic energy makes the body strong. Improper combination weakens the body Balance of all the five elements in body results in health, otherwise problems arise. Fingers of the hand represent all the five elements. The balanced order of five elements in the body leads to development. Surabhi mudra strikes balance in all the five elements.
Join the front tips of fingers of both the hands with each other. Make the left forefinger touch the middle finger of right hand. Let the right hand forefinger touch the middle 'linger of left hand. Similarly, join the ring finger of left hand with little finger, of right hand and the little finger of left hand with ring finger of right hand. Thumbs will be left free. When fingers are put downward, the shape of fingers looks like udders of cow. Thus it is called Surabhi mudra (Dhenu mudra).
Utkatasana is best suited for Surabhi mudra. If there is a difficulty in this asana, this mudra may be practiced in Vajrasana or Sukhasana.
Method of Utkatasana
The pose of sitting straight on soles of the feet known as Utkatasana
To start with, practice it for 8 minutes. After practicing it for a week, increase the duration to 16 minutes. Finally this mudra may be practiced up to 48 minutes duration. If it is not possible to do it at a stretch, the duration of 48 minutes may be divided into three sittings.
Navel center becomes healthy.
It helps in yoga practice.
It pacifies urinary diseases.
It makes body healthy and strong.
It makes digestive system healthy.
It cures abdomen-related diseases.
It strikes balance in flows of gland system.
It improves purity of mind.
Special note
In Surabhi mudra air element meets the sky element and earth element meets the water element but fire element (thumb) remains free. The union of air and sky elements stabilizes the Brahmand Chakra. Like Brahmand Chakra, the navel chakra of the body also becomes healthy and steady. Creative power is developed by the union of water and earth of the chakras.
In Surabhi mudra several forms are developed with the union of five elements. This has varied results. Methods and results of these are described separately.
Water Surabhi
The little finger represents water element. In Surabhi mudra the thumb is placed at the base of little finger, which starts alleviating bilious problems and diseases. It helps in making kidneys healthy and it rectifies urinary disorders. It is useful for persons with bilious temperament.
Earth Surabhi
The ring finger symbolizes earth element. By placing the thumb at the base of ring finger, Surabhi mudra is accomplished. The Earth mudra alleviates diseases related to abdomen. It keeps the digestive system in order. The Earth mudra makes the body powerful. It removes inertia and heaviness.
Sky Surabhi
The middle finger is representative of sky element. This is also called Shunya mudra. Characteristics of emptiness and sound are attributed to sky. This mudra leads to coordination of sounds. The inner sky gets rid of noise. An atmosphere of tranquility is created. Sound of 'Naad' appears. The feeling of 'Anaahad Naad' is easily reached through this mudra.
Air Surabhi
In Surabhi mudra when fire element is joined with the ring finger of air element, the development of air element begins. It removes various gastric disorders. These gastric disorders are not revealed by medical examinations. P person starts feeling serenity immediately with the use of Vayu mudra. It increases the steadiness of mind. It i,, especially useful for those engaged in meditation and worship.
Surabhi mudra should be used only after considering all aspects. If only gastric disorder is there, the five elements can be made to touch the base of air-element finger, which pacifies gastric disorders. Self-practitioner must keep in mind his body temperaments. For persons with phlegm temperament the fire element pacifies the phlegm, but it also reduces the water element. It is therefore suggested to use this mudra for a shorter duration.
Surabhi Mudra
It is a multi-dimensional mudra. As such it has some opposing results. The fire element mudra is useful for pacifying gas. But simultaneously it increases heat also.
Collected By Anantbodh Chaitanya

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

ब्रह्मलीन अनन्त श्रीविभूषित निर्वाण पीठाधीश्वर आचार्य महामंडलेश्वर स्वामी श्री विश्वदेवानंद जी महाराज का संक्षिप्त परिचय

                 महान परंपरा के धनी, समाज सेवा में रत, सर्वजन सुखाय सर्वजन हिताय, विश्व के कल्याण का उद्घोष देने वाले भारतीय वैदिक सनातन भावना के अजस्त्र, अवोध, अविरल गति से प्रचार में समस्त जीवन अर्पण करने वाले देव - तुल्य सन्यासी, शास्त्री महारथी, ओजस्वी वक्ता, प्रकाण्ड पंडित, युगदृष्टा पूज्य गुरुदेव श्री निर्वाण पीठाधीश्वर आचार्य महामंडलेश्वर स्वामी श्री विश्वदेवानंद जी महाराज को सनातन धारा फाउंडेशन परिवार एवं ट्रस्टी गण की तरफ से ब्रह्मचारी अनंतबोध चैतन्य का कोटि - कोटि प्रणाम |
जन्म स्थान : स्वामी श्री का जन्म सन् २६ जनवरी १९४६ ईस्वी में कानपुर, उत्तर प्रदेश के एक नौगवां, (हरचंदखेड़ा) में सनातनधर्मी कान्यकुब्ज ब्राह्मण ' विश्वनाथ शुक्ला जी के परिवार में हुआ |   बचपन में उनका नाम ‘कैलाशनाथ शुक्ला ' रखा गया |
वैराग्य : स्वामी श्री ने सत्य की खोज में 14 वर्ष की अल्पायु में गृहत्याग कर दिया | वस्तुतः उसके  बाद  वह कभी घर लौट कर नहीं गये और न ही किसी प्रकार का घर से सम्बन्ध रक्खा | उसी वर्ष नैमिषारणय के पास दरिया पुर गाव में स्वामी सदानंद परमहंस जी महाराज जी से साधना सत्संग की इच्छा से मिलने गये | वहां उन्होंने अनेक प्रकार कि साधनाए सीखी और उनमे पारंगत हुए  |
अध्ययन : स्वामी जी ने निर्वाण पीठाधीश्वर आचार्य महामंडलेश्वर स्वामी श्री कृष्णानन्द जी महाराज श्री जी के सानिध्य में संन्यास आश्रम अहमदाबाद में व्याकरण शास्त्र, दर्शन शास्त्र, भागवत, न्यायशास्त्र, वेदांत आदि का  अध्ययन  किया |फिर देहली विश्वविद्यालय से आंग्ल भाषा में स्नातकोत्तर की उपाधि ग्रहण की |
तपो जीवन : २०  वर्ष की आयु से हिमालय गमन प्रारंभ कर अखंड साधना, आत्मदर्शन,धर्म सेवा का संकल्प लिया | पंजाब में एक बार भिक्षाठन करते हुए स्वामी जी को किसी विरक्त  महात्मा ने विद्या अर्जन करने कि प्रेरणा की  | एक ढाई गज कपरा एवं दो लंगोटी मात्र रखकर भयंकर शीतोष्ण वर्षा का सहन करना इनका १५  वर्ष की आयु में ही स्वभाव बन गया था | त्रिकाल स्नान, ध्यान, भजन, पूजन, तो चलता ही था | विद्याधययन की गति इतनी तीव्र थी की संपूर्ण वर्ष का पाठ्यक्रम घंटों और दिनों में हृदयंगमकर लेते |
संन्यास ग्रहण : स्वामी जी सन १९६२ में परम तपस्वी निर्वाण पीठाधीश्वर आचार्य महामंडलेश्वर स्वामी श्री अतुलानंद जी महाराज श्री से बिधिवत संन्यास ग्रहण कर नर से नारायण  के रूप हो  हुए | तभी से पूर्ण रूप से सन्यासी बन कर "परमहंस परिब्राजकाचार्य १००८ श्री स्वामी विश्वदेवानंद जी  महाराज" कहलाए |
देश और विदेश यात्राएँ : सम्पूर्ण देश में पैदल यात्राएँ करते हुए  धर्म प्रचार एवं विश्व कल्याण की भावना से ओतप्रोत पूज्य महाराज जी प्राणी मात्र की सुख शांति के लिए प्रयत्नशील रहने लगे  |  उनकी दृष्टि में समस्त जगत और उसके प्राणी सर्वेश्वर भगवान के अंश हैं या रूप हैं | यदि मनुष्य स्वयं शांत और सुखी रहना चाहता है तो औरों को भी शांत और सुखी बनाने का प्रयत्न आवश्यक है उन्होंने जगह जगह जाकर प्रवचन देने आरम्भ किये और जन जन में धर्म और अध्यात्म का प्रकाश किया उन्होंने सारे विश्व को ही एक परिवार की भांति समझा और लोगो में वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम की  भावना का  बीज वपन किया और कहा कि इससे सद्भावना, संघटन, सामंजस्य बढेगा और फिर राष्ट्रीय, अन्तराष्ट्रीय तथा समस्त विश्व का कल्याण होगा निर्वाणपीठाधीश्वर के रूप में : सन १९८५ में पूज्य निर्वाण पीठाधीश्वर आचार्य महामंडलेश्वर स्वामी श्री अतुलानंद जी महाराज श्री के ब्रह्मलीन होने का पश्चाद् स्वामी जी को समस्त साधू समाज और श्री पंचायती अखाडा महानिर्वाणी के श्री पञ्च ने गोविन्द मठ कि आचार्य गादी पर बिठाया|
श्री यन्त्र मंदिर का निर्माण : 1985 में महानिर्वाणी अखाड़े के आचार्य बनने के बाद १९९१ में हरिद्वार के कनखल क्षेत्र में महाराज श्री ने विश्व कल्याण की  भावना से विश्व कल्याण साधना यतन की स्थापना की उसके बाद सन २००४ में इसी आश्रम में भगवती त्रिपुर सुन्दरी के अभूतपूर्व मंदिर को बनाने का  संकल्प लिया और सन २०१० के हरिद्वार महाकुम्भ में महाराज श्री का संकल्प साकार हुआ. सम्पूर्ण रूप से श्री यंत्राकार यह लाल पत्थर से निर्मित मंदिर अपने आप में महाराज श्री की कीर्ति पताका  को स्वर्णा अक्षरों में अंकित करने के लिए पर्याप्त है.
शिष्य एवं भक्त गण : महाराज श्री के हजारो नागा संन्यासी शिष्य हुए उनके तीन ब्रह्मचारी शिष्य हुए उनमे से प्रधान  शिष्य ब्रह्मचारी अनंतबोध चैतन्य जो देश विदेश में उनके संकल्पों को पूरा करने में तत्पर है और अध्ययन और अध्यापन में लगे रहते है महाराज श्री ने उनको २०१० में  गोविन्द मठ की  ट्रस्ट में ट्रस्टी के रूप में भी रक्खा| दुसरे  शिष्य शिवात्म चैतन्य जो पठानकोट के आश्रम को देखते है तथा अंतिम तथा तीसरे ब्रह्मचारी  शिष्य निष्कल चैतन्य कढ़ी कलोल के आश्रम को देखते है | महाराज जी के लाखो भक्त गण हुए जिनमे से कोलकता के श्री लक्ष्मी कान्त तिवारी जी अग्रगण्य है | उनके शिष्य अहमदाबाद , दिल्ही बरोडा कोलकाता आदि भारत के सभी शहरों में और  विदेश में अमेरिका , इंग्लेंड , ऑस्ट्रेलिया ,बैंकाक , कनाडा यूरोप तथा अफ्रीका में  लाखों शिष्य महाराज श्री को अपना प्राण धन मानते है.
ब्रह्मलीन : ७ मई २०१३ को हरिद्वार के लिए आते हुए  एक भीषण दुर्घटना में महाराज श्री के प्राण व्यष्ठी से समष्टि में विलीन हो गए | उनके नश्वर पार्थिव शरीर को श्री यन्त्र मंदिर के प्रांगन में रुद्राक्ष के वृक्ष के नीचे श्री भगवती त्रिपुर सुन्दरी की  पावन गोद में भू समाधी दी गई|