Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Introduction About Shri Acharya Satish ji (Shri Anantbodh Chaitanya)


 Acharya Shri Satish (श्री अनंतबोध चैतन्य) an ascetic Brahmchari in Shri Govind Math convention represents the luminary lineage of the great-enlightened saints and yogis that renounce their homes at an early age in the search of supreme truth giving up all worldly ties and aspirations. Shri Acharya Satish took naishtik  Bramcharya (नैष्ठिक ब्रह्मचर्य) Diksha from Nirvana Pithadhishwara Acharya Mahamandleshwara Shri Shri 108 Swami Shri Vishwadevananda ji Maharaj in April 2005॰He is known as Anantbodh Chaitanya also.

Early years

Ø  The spiritual journey began with spending eight long years in achieving spiritual excellence through intensive spiritual training in the company of the great saints and sadhus at the Himalayan foothills.
Ø  Belonging to the sect of Adi Shankaracharya, he chooses to devote his life to the service of Vedic scriptures and to the spiritual values of Indian heritage and culture.

Ø  Graduation (Shastri) with Sanskrit language, Indian Philosophies
Ø  Masters' (Acharya) degrees in Darshan.
Ø  PhD. In Gyan Mimansa about to submit from Sampurnanda Vishwavidyalya, Varanasi
Ø  Special comprehensive training into the depths of the spiritual and moral scriptures and classical treatises with outstanding masters and accomplished saint- philosophers like his spiritual mentors of enormous intellectual caliber Acharya Mahamandelshwar Nirvana Pithadhishwar Swami Shri Vishwadevanada Ji Maharaj has enabled Brahmchari ji present the essence of the Indian spiritual wisdom in pristine as well as most practical form.

Teaching and Experience
Acharya Ji has always been interested in disseminating his vast knowledge of    scriptures, Sanskrit language, Indian philosophy and culture. He has taught these subjects to hundreds of students during last 10 years.
He has always helped people both Indian and foreigners in their advanced researches and studies.

Ø   Besides writing articles for several journals and magazines already published.     
Ø  His work on Upanishads is not only in Sanskrit language but English and Hindi language also in press.
Ø  Spiritual and universal significance of the Sanatan Dhara and Secrets of the Upanishads are being translated into English.
Ø  A special course in Sanskrit language will soon be made available to the students.
     Social Service & Activities:

Ø  He founded Veer Seva Samiti in 2000 for the children welfare, health-care etc.
Ø  Founded Sanatan Dhara Foundation with global mission in 2006.
Ø  Established English Sanskrit Academy in 2009 for the students of both the languages.
Ø  His selfless services to philanthropic and academic purposes pursued by other people and ashrams, has made him very popular among all ascetics and monks irrespective of differences in sects and conventions
Ø  As member of several institutions and as an able administrator he has given his valuable guide-lines for their development.

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